NGC 2237
Read more: NGC 2237NGC 2237 or the Rosette Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation of Monoceros, lighted by the open cluster NGC 2244 whose brightest stars are visible at the centre of the photo.
NGC 2024
Read more: NGC 2024NGC 2024 or Sh2-277 also known as the Flame Nebula, is an emission nebula in the constellation of Orion; the brightest star in the photo is Alnitak, one of the three stars of Orion’s belt.
Read more: Sh2-274Sh2-274 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Gemini, also known as the Medusa Nebula or Abell 21.
M 1
Read more: M 1M 1 (or NGC 1952), better known as the Crab Nebula, is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Taurus, 6,500 light years away.It is the remnant of a supernova that became visible to the naked eye on July 4, 1054.
NGC 2264
Read more: NGC 2264In the photo you can see a part of the nebula NGC 2264 around the star S Monocerotis, constellation of Monoceros, of magnitude varying between 4.62 and 4.68, visible to the naked eye.This star is actually a binary system and main member of an open star cluster.
M 74
Read more: M 74M 74 or NGC 628 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation of Pisces. It is known as the phantom galaxy because of its low surface brightness that makes it a difficult object to observe.
Double eclipse on Jupiter
Read more: Double eclipse on JupiterJupiter, photographed every 15 minutes on August 25, 2024 between 00:30 and 05:30 UTC when the first eclipse had already begun.I started photographing at 22:30 UTC but the first photos are not good because Jupiter was very low on the horizon, and in the following photos you can see an improvement of the quality of…
Read more: MoonThe moon photographed in the phase close to the last quarter on August 24, 2024 at 1:11 UTC and 1:18 UTC. In the fist photo the crater Theophilus is especially evident with a diameter of 101 kilometers with a mountain formation in the center with four peaks that rise for about 1400 meters.A little further…