Tag: activity

  • Restoring complex objects at restart of an activity

    In an android app an activity is created and then destroyed, for example when the user open another activity or when the user presses the back button, later the user opens again the same activity that is is recreated using the data saved before the earlier destruction of the activity. The data are saved in…

  • Passing an object from an Activity to another

    The method startActivity(Intent intent) of the class Activity allows you to call a second activity specified using the argument Intent. You can associate primitive data or primitive data array to the argument Intent and then the second Activity can access them, you can also pass objects of type String using methods of the class Bundle…

  • Getting the Context inside a Fragment

    It is very easy to get the Context inside an Activity: with the getApplicationContext() method using only “this” because the Activity class extends the Context class But you can’t use any of these two methods inside a Fragment and you have to replace them respectively with: getActivity().getApplicationContext() getActivity() I often do this replacement when I…